Our clients have identified that the skills that make the team at Crowley Waugh Barristers & Solicitors effective dispute resolvers also allow us to provide guidance and on the ground assistance to achieving their goals.
Civil Law
Civil litigation involves the resolution of disputes between private individuals, companies or other entities. From minor disagreements regarding contractual terms, to debt collection and insolvency or bankruptcy, to major litigation before all levels of Courts and Tribunals in New Zealand, our team provides results driven, practical, and cost effective legal advice and advocacy. We know that no one wants to spend time in a civil litigators office; we see our role as resolving our clients disputes as painlessly and simply as possible, so that they can get on with what they do best.
We provide expert advice and advocacy for employers and employees with respect to all employment matters; from quick advice regarding employee entitlements, to more detailed opinion writing or employment policy work. We are also experienced in resolving work place issues and avoiding or raising personal grievances.
We also provide advice and advocacy on behalf of clients at mediations and the Employment Relations Authority.
Strategic Planning, Project Facilitation and Implementation
“Effective Dispute Resolution is like a game of chess or a sword fight”; we must understand our own capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses and those of our allies; we must understand the board and the rules of play; we must understand our opponents and obstacles; we must understand that our understanding will never be complete.
Then we must formulate a logical and cohesive plan to achieve victory that takes into account all of the above while being able to dynamically, adapt and change to unforeseen obstacles or a changing battlefield. Finally, we must strike, we must implement our plan, and constantly re understand and repeat all of the above steps, until victory is secured.
We are experienced in helping our clients conceptualise and plan projects including running stakeholder and large public consultation and negotiation, project facilitation, funding acquisition, and then project implementation and monitoring, completion and re planning.
Our advice can be from a strategic higher level, providing guidance or a sounding board at various stages of a project or we can be seconded into organisations for special project works, completely managing a project, including acquisition of human resources and funding, from inception to fruition.
We utilise our own skills and those of a variety of partners and collaborators depending on the specific needs of the project to achieve our clients goals, whether they be in business, the community, politics, social enterprise or environmental matters.
Contact James Gilbert or Jamie Waugh to discuss any of these matters
“The key to getting the best outcome from any civil dispute is getting the right advice early and from there careful and clinical positioning to maximise the potential benefits from the situation.”