When it comes to making the most important decisions in life your choice of legal representation should be your top priority. For the best outcome in any situation choose Crowley Waugh Barristers & Solicitors.
Crowley Waugh Barristers & Solicitors provide a wide range of expert Family Law advice and services. Whether you require negotiation on your behalf, following the end of a relationship or protection of your assets on entering a new relationship.
We also provide Family Court representation when negotiations are not successful and court proceedings are necessary, we can help. Our range of family law services include:
Marriage separation and relationship property
Care of children
Domestic violence and protection orders
Relocation of children
Implications of entering new relationships
Protection of Personal Property Rights Act and Enduring Powers of Attorney
Applications for Appointment of Property Manager and/or welfare guardians
Challenging someone’s will
“As Whanganui’s leading legal firm our team are here to deliver the right outcome for you.”
Alicia Matthews
Office 06 345 3844
Mobile 027 297 4461
Email Alicia
James Gilbert
Office 06 345 3844
Mobile 021 300 551
Email James
Sheryle Proctor
Office 06 345 3844
Email Sheryle
Family Law Services
Marriage and Separation Agreement
What happens when your relationship finishes? We will help you to understand your rights, entitlements and obligations regarding the division of relationship assets.
Care of Children/Parenting
You will have questions about what will happen to your children and what your rights and obligations as caregiver of your children are. We will help you to understand your position.
These arrangements can be made by agreement or, if you are unable to reach an agreement, they can be settled with the assistance of the Family Court. The Family Court can make Parenting Orders and other orders regarding the care and welfare of your children.
We will advise you about making arrangements for the guardianship and day-to-day care of your children.
Care and Protection of Children
If your child has been identified as being at risk, or if Oranga Tamariki (formerly CYFS) are concerned for their safety or welfare, we will assist you in knowing your rights.
Domestic Violence and Protection Orders
If you are the victim of domestic violence or abuse, we will advise you about your legal options to keep you and your children safe. These options include obtaining urgent Protection Orders and Parenting Orders.
Relocation of Children
If you are living apart and wish to leave the area with your child, or if you are facing the possibility of your former partner leaving the area with your child, you need to know your rights, obligations and options. We will help.
Protection of Personal Property Rights Act and Enduring Powers of Attorney
Knowing that your property and financial affairs will be taken care of, if you are unable to do so, is extremely important. We will help you in putting in place Powers of Attorney – appointing a person of your choice to act on your behalf, should you ever need it.
Applications of Appointment of Property Manager and/or Welfare Guardians
If a family member is no longer mentally capable of managing his or her own property or financial affairs, we will help with an application to the Family Court for the power to manage affairs on their behalf.
Implications of Entering into New Relationships
Ensure that your assets are protected. We will help you in drawing up Relationship Property and prenuptial agreements when you are entering a new relationship.
Challenging Someone’s Will
We will provide advice and assistance in preparing applications to the Family Court in order to challenge what you believe to be inadequate provisions made in the will of a deceased.
Having a valid and up to date Will is essential to provide for those who you wish to benefit when you have passed away. We will help you to understand the process of making a valid Will to protect those who you love.